Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Women: Mere objects of Physical attention???

A creature existing in our society called GIRL; there are three things which define and confine her life:

1.       Sexuality – A girl in our society is not allowed to a zillion of things in the world just because she is a girl
2.       Timings – The timings of the day when a girl is supposed to go out of her house for any activity is limited and defined
3.       Dress Code – The clothes a girl is supposed to wear are defined and designed as per the societal expectations

Throughout their lives, the girls/women are being judged on these pre-defined notions of our society. Her character is being judged on the basis of her adherence to these above mentioned codes of conduct. Why???? Because she is one who has to get picked by some (good) guy someday for marriage. Really?? This is where the problem is rooted. Deep down we admit this that women, no matter how much educated intellectual, are, at the end of the day, just a body of flesh. And by doing this, we assure men, every single day, that no matter how much education we have imparted to our daughters, no matter how much salary she earns, she can never ever be equal to you. You are the one who has the choice to marry, divorce, assault, rape or disown her.

Ironically, when cases like the recent Delhi gang rape happen, the parents get extremely trenchant in making their daughter realize the importance of those three golden guidelines set for women behaviour in India. Well, you can’t say much to the parents when our honourable Chief Minister herself is affording her precious advice to all the Delhi girls to say at home and not roam around at odd hours. Stay at home??? Yes, definitely. This is exactly what we are aiming for after 65 years of independence and democracy.

In a country like India, first of all our law and order is so stout, that no one dares to fear it. Then on top of it, we make our girls so diffident that it inevitably gives encouragement to the boys to develop the feeling of domination. Just think about it, at home itself the parents are always partial towards their male child in every sort of issue. Why the rules are just for girls? Why a boy’s character is not judged on the basis of clothes he wears or the timings at which he roam outside? A boy can have numerous affairs, but when it comes to girls, it becomes an honor issue. Where is the space for equality then? What is the meaning of education when you simply have to judge a woman based on her sexuality and attire? By doing all this, we are not protecting our daughters; we are simply facilitating those bigots in our society who feel that they are superior to women and they can do any sort of heinous activity with them.

Activities like assaults, rapes, etc. are social crimes. While, a firm law and order is categorically required to prevent and prosecute them, however, a community based approach and actions are also required to prevent these atrocities. A sustained behavioural change in the men fraternity is definitely being called for and this can be brought only and only by the society (read us). It is essential to plug out the feelings of chauvinism, desire for power and sadism from men. Instead of teaching women to confine them, it should be the men who must be taught not only to respect their mothers and sisters but also the women who are someone else’s daughters and sisters. By confining and restricting our girls, we are merely making such chauvinists/rapists win.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Parents grow too!!!!

I have heard many people taking and sharing about the feeling of seeing and experiencing this children grow. While there are many more years to come (for me at least) to experience that feeling, but one feeling which I did experience in last few years and would like to share is seeing my parents grow. By growth I don’t mean any physical growth but the growth in terms of the adaptability with the new things in life.  For example, some 7-8 years back when I was outgrowing my teens, I could see my mother worrying on losing that connect with me that she used to have while I was a kid. She was finding it tough to understand my lingos, my aspirational lifestyles, my choices, etc. I could never imagine that time that a day would come when I would be chatting with my mom on whatsapp!!! For a lady who has been a housewife for her life, being at home taking care of her kids and household chores, isn’t it a sense of growth that she learnt to connect with grown up kids in their “new GEN” ways. This feeling is so amazing that I don’t feel like there is any term called “generation gap” between me and my mom. It is great to see that most of the lovely parents out there are making best of their efforts to bridge the gap between themselves and their children. In parallel, it is also the responsibility of us, the children, to take them alongside as we grow. The way they used to get us familiar with the new, complex things during our childhood, it’s now our duty to get them familiar with this new world that we are experiencing around us. I love to see that childlike excitement in my mom whenever I guide and urge her to explore and start using all these new technological inventions around us.  Actually, one a more serious note, this concept of taking your parents along is not just limited to these new social networks. It can go ahead to sharing the new ideologies and philosophies that we believe in.  Understandably, there is some resistance from the parent’s side sometimes. But if you give an honest and serious attempt to it, you can really make things work out with them. Unfortunately, I see some children not making any endeavour at all to bridge any gap with their parents (especially guys).  All these statements like, “There is an age to learn or change someone”, “They can never understand”, etc. etc. are all myth. I agree you can’t push anyone but an honest attempt is required indeed! So guys, if you have not done it so far, please do ahead and enable your parents take a leap into this 3G world!!!! J